

Square Foot Gardening Take 2!

So this year we are starting our second year of Square foot/raised bed gardening. We've decided to expand! One bed at our house and one in the Community Garden.  We started the one in our backyard on time but didn't get to start the Community Garden right away due to rain and the fact that they were still building the plots.

This is the garden in our backyard May 16

We used this plot last year and it's still in great condition!  We're using out knowledge of what did better in the sun or shade and changing the line up! Hopefully we've made the right decision.

Backyard Garden June 4
 Only a few weeks later and the garden is already showing progress!

Backyard Garden 6/16
 We decided that we had some extra room and wanted some herbs right away.  I have never had luck with cilantro so I figured I would get some thats already started.  I've also learned through some research that as soon as your cilantro and basil start to have flowers they wont produce any more leaves and it's best to throw some seeds in the ground every couple of weeks!

Backyard Garden 6/28
 We have Squash, Zucchini, Thai Basil, Rosemary, Sweet Basil, Cilantro, Plum Tomatoes, Carrots, and Cucumbers!

Backyard Garden 7/11
 Only about two months in and it's overgrown!! I hope we didn't crowd it too much!! We were a little worried when all of the flowers kept falling of the squash plants. We actually found that it's very common if there are too many males they just fall off!!  Also once they've pollinated the females they'll fall of as well because you'll only get fruit from the females!  Maybe we'll get brave and try one of the many squash blossom recipes on the internet!

Our first harvest from our backyard garden!!
This is our first pick from our garden and it sure looks yummy!  Just two months in and we've already gotten some yummy veggies!!

Community Center Garden

Our garden did SO well last year we decided to add another! They're kind of expensive to start so when we heard out community was starting a Community Garden where we could pay a refundable deposit for a small, medium or large plot we were super excited!! (Ok maybe just me) :)  The hubby and oldest son started the garden and found the dirt filled with glass and just pretty crappy dirt.  After a week the garden wasn't looking too good and it wasn't allowing the water to drain. 

Community Center Garden June 4

  So we added removed half of the dirt and some organic garden soil and some of our compost. Surprisingly all of the plants transplanted well!

Community Center Garden 6/16

Community Center Garden 6/16

Community Center Garden 7/4

Just a few weeks in and it's looking great!

Austen and Neil (courtesy of the Capital Flyer)

 My husband and oldest son were even pictured in the base paper!

My big helpers!

Of course I have the best helpers ever! I'm surprised they're even dry in this picture because I think they really only come to play in the hose! 

Unfortunately our first harvest from the community garden has already been enjoyed by the rabbits!  So sad! They even ate all the leaves down to the stems! This made us decide to put up a fence whether or not it's "allowed"!

I hope you enjoyed visiting our garden!  If you have a garden going be sure to link your blog below! I can't wait to see what your growing!

Thanks for stopping by,

Jessica Percifull

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