

Transitions to a SAHM

So a month ago a made a HUGE decision to leave my job.  I slowly transitioned to part-time working from home for a month and then full-time Stay At Home Mom.  WHEW! What a transition!  I have been a SAHM in the past, it's been a little while but it's a big difference from the corporate world and it's taking some getting used to.  I was having some difficulty at work sitting there all-day-long working on a great project but doing nothing useful and wasting my hard earned degree.  It was so draining and down right degrading. I just felt that I'd much rather be at home with my kids than spend time with people who can't get a long and waste the governments money one someone sitting there doing nothing.  I would have LOVED more than anything to continue doing a job that was meaningful but- it wasn't.  Although I looked for a new job it was half-hearted because my self-confidence was gone and I was just so un happy.  In the last month I have found some happiness and I'm trying to build back that confidence.  I know it will come with time but right now I think I just need to enjoy some time with my boys and take a break!
(Ry, Me and Bubba)

Right now I think the easiest thing I have done is get Ry into a routine.  Since he's 2.5 that is very important.  I've noticed that if we miss nap time the day can be a total disaster after 4pm.  That's when we need him at his best for Bubba's sports: soccer, karate and Piano (busy kid!).  When Daddy's gone it's 10 times harder so nap time is a must!  I think we are mastering the schedule though.  I'm not a hermit though and we like to get out of the house so I would like to find some things do in the early morning hours that are FREE or CHEAP in the area that can get us back before nap time.. any ideas?

My biggest challenge so far is getting out of my comfort zone and meeting some new friends! I don't have too many friends that I "hang out" with.  I'd love to meet some new gal's with kids the same age as the boys to hang out with.  I met a great group of girls when we moved here when Bubba was in Pre-k but since then they all moved and I worked 40 hours a week for 2+ years and haven't had the time to meet anyone new.  Sad I know, pathetic really!

I have faith that it will all work out in the end and that I have made the right decision for me and my family.  My kids are already happier that they are getting more time with me which makes me happier.  Ry's behavior has already improving since leaving daycare.  I'm able to help Bubba with his homework and he's able to have more time do play and do other things he enjoys instead of going to before and aftercare.  I'm not sure how long this will last but I will enjoy it while it does and try to make the most of every minute.  While I do I think I will restart my blog and try to post some updates and maybe even some SAHM ideas.  I'd love to see some great ideas from you too!

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