

What's for Dinner?

I feel like I have been away from my blog for some time.  I need to get back to it and catch up!  What a better way then start with a menu plan for the week! I was trying to think of somewhere to write it but I also wanted to link the recipes from Pinterest so that I could easily get to them when I needed them.  So what better way to do that all in one place than here!  So I'm halfway through the week but I have already planned the rest of this week and next.  We are trying to cut out the eating out a little bit and trim down the budget.  As I'm sure most American's are feeling the squeeze on their wallets and my husband being a Service Member we're not sure what sequestration will do with our near future...BLAH!

Okay! On to more positive talk! FOOD!


I'm cooking my own beans for this soup later this week, and making Banana Crumb Muffins for snacks and Breakfast.  I might make these cookies too since I got a big bag of banana's from the commissary that were a tad over ripe for $.70

DINNER- I'm going to make these Turkey Meatball's and have them on spaghetti with a salad.  We will have enough extra's that I will freeze for another meal.

Thursday- Possibly a school pizza fundraiser or Homemade Pizza

Friday- Slow-cooker Bean, Kale and Sausage Soup This will be perfect since it will be cold, with flurries/or freezing rain!

Saturday- Baked Salmon, Broccoli and sweet potato faux fries

Sunday- I'm going to try my hand at Homemade Tortilla's to have with Chicken Fajita's

Monday- Beef Stroganoff over egg noodles

Tuesday- AWANA?

Wednesday- Korean Beef (Ground Turkey) We don't eat a lot of beef so I will probably use the 93/7 Turkey since it's a little "beefier" tasting.  We'll have this with a side salad with Toasted Sesame dressing.

Thursday-  This is one of my favorite recipes from Skinny Taste, Sante Fe Chicken.  She has some great Weight Watcher inspired recipes on her site!

Friday- Leftovers and a Movie (Redbox or the Library)

Saturday- Grilled or Baked Chicken, Cowboy caviar, Quinoa

Sunday- Chili or Taco Soup

WHEW!! That was a lot harder than I thought! Now hopefully we can stick to it! I know I have everything to make these recipes already but sometimes I just don't want to cook...or clean.

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