

My Get Fit Journey

I should probably update my "after" shot but it's pretty recent (May 2013).
I also think the before weight is a lot higher.

So I was going to title this "My Weight-Loss Journey" but it just didn't feel right.  I didn't set out to lose weight or get "skinny".  My goal when I started this journey was to get healthy/fit.  I guess somewhere in the process I have gotten to the point where some may consider me "skinny".  I however do not feel this way.  I am fit, strong, and healthy.

Now you may be wondering what made me wake up one day a decide I needed to get healthy?  I've always considered myself a healthy eater.  I love veggies, I always eat salads with baby spinach instead of iceberg lettuce and load it up with veggies.  I eat fruit and lean meats, rarely red meat.  I don't eat a lot of dairy...except for cheese (I love cheese). Well in the Fall of 2011 I got a physical and when I got my blood work back I was in shock! Now I knew I was overweight, I knew I wanted to lose it, it just wasn't happening and the number on the scale wasn't motivating me. However, being that I have my bachelor's degree in Bioligy/Forensic Chemistry when I received my bloodwork results I was motivated! I never thought that my cholesterol and triglycerides would be so high! I don't eat a lot of sweets or red meat so what could it be?

SEPTEMBER 2011 Bloodwork:
Weight :195.5 lbs
LDL: 95 (good)
Triglycerides: 245 (high)
HDL: 40 (low)

I immediately started Weight Watchers*.  The reason for this is because I've used WW before with great results while working.  I love to cook my own food. I don't like prepackaged food, I don't like to be restricted and I needed to learn portion control because I knew WHAT I was eating was okay.  I found it was definitely HOW MUCH I was eating.  An entire Whole Wheat bagel with light cream cheese for breakfast, a sandwich and salad for lunch, chicken veggies and rice for dinner.  The norm.  Well I had to change it.  If I wanted a bagel it had to be a half a bagel or a bagel thin with light cream cheese and a cup of berries.  I'm not a fan of eggs but I really made myself eat them because they are a great source of protein and 3 egg whites were only 1 point!  I loaded those bad boys up with spinach, mushrooms and any other "free" veggies, a little light cheese and I was good to go! On days I was going to have a lighter lunch or dinner I added 2 turkey sausage which were only 2 points!  Chicken with salad or veggies for lunch, I like to add some couscous, quinoa or lentils for some carbs/protein.  Veggies and hummus or string cheese and fruit for snack.  And dinner is the same as lunch protein and veggies small carbs like sweet potatoes, couscous, brown rice etc.  I've tried Paleo and I can do parts of it but I can't cut out dairy 100% and I like a little bit of complex carbs.

NOVEMBER 2011 Bloodwork:
LDL: 76 (good)
Triglycerides: 161 (high)
HDL: 37 (good)

One of my running buddies!
As you can see in 2 months my bloodwork was already looking better and that was all diet change (I hadn't even started working out!)

After I had lost about 25 lbs I decided to start working the form of running/walking.  Well BAD idea!  I wasn't ready, actually my knee wasn't ready!  I had fallen in a grocery store a year before and landed on my right knee, didn't realize the extent until I tried to run and it hurt!  I got some x-ray's, MRI and a referral to PT.  I ran my first FULL 5K in June 2012 and registered for my first 10K in Oct 2012 (the MCM10K).  I was told not to run by my Dr and Orthopedic but my Physical Therapist said it was ok.  We worked hard to get me to a point where I was comfortable and I completed my first 10K in 1:06:44!! YAY!!  The week after I was in a funk...I needed another goal and found that in order to keep going I would need another race.  I signed up for my first HALF MARATHON!

We do the Susan G Komen every year as a family.  This year my sister in law's joined us and we had a great time! I'm so proud of them! This was also the first 5K run I did back in 2012!
The whole crew!
My knee was still not 100% so I ended up getting a cortisone shot which helped a lot.  I trained through the winter for my first and second Half Marathon.  My first was the Rock N Roll USA (2:06:36) in DC March 2013, my second was the JBA Inaugural Half Marathon (2:05:11) in April 2013.  They were tough but I finished and I did well! I also decided to register for the Marine Corp Marathon in Oct 2013 (because you can only go bigger right?)

We've had some 5K runs in between the big races which have been great and my 8yr old has ran with us.  I really suggest getting kids involved not only in healthy eating but also in getting active!  My kids love it! My oldest either runs or bikes next me while my little one is in the stroller.  They give me a little resistance and motivation at the same time.

My husband, sister-n-law and I also completed a Spartan Sprint in Tuxedo, NY! It was TOUGH but so fun! We were looking forward to a Super in August but due to a mission we were unable to go.

This is pre-mud

I'm really looking forward to October as my schedule is FULL of races!

October 12th- Half Marathon!!

Baltimore Running Festival


October 20th- Army 10-Miler!!

I am running with Team Fisher House! Please help me in my fundraising efforts!

October 27th- Marine Corps Marathon

I am running with Team Fisher House! Please help me in my fundraising efforts!

Now I know running isn't for everyone, and I never thought it was for me but I hope that I can encourage you to find something that you enjoy and go out there and do it!  This isn't all I do!  I love to bike, cross-fit, hike, play in the backyard or park with the kids.  There is just so many ways to be active get rid of the excuses and get fit!

Thanks for stopping by!


*I am not being endorsed by Weight Watchers, nor am I suggesting this is the only way to lose weight. This is what worked for me and I suggest finding what works for you.  I highly suggest consulting a doctor before starting any workout or diet program.

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