

Menu Plan Tuesday!

I'm a little behind this week and I keep thinking of different things to make so I thought I'd better get on here and "write" it down!

Tuesday- Mexican Bake

Wednesday- BBQ Pork Sami's

Thursday- Katie and Norms for Lasagna!

Friday- Organizational day (May be eating out due to exhaustion!)

Sat- Buffalo Chicken Sausage pizzas!

Sunday- Chicken Parm and Zucchini

Guess I better get started on tonight's dinner!

Thanks for stopping by!
Jessica Percifull


From Garden to Grill!

Well our garden is doing GREAT!!  The squash, zucchini and cucumber that is.  So far we have gotten 3 zucchini, 2 yellow squash and 2 cucumbers!  Today we used two yellow squash, 1 zucchini and a cucumber in our dinner. 

I sliced the zucchini and squash pretty thick, put them in a large ziploc with a thickly sliced sweet onion and poured in some balsamic vinegar, olive oil, crushed garlic, salt, pepper and a couple table spoons of sugar.  Let them marinate in the fridge for a few ours then grill til tender! This is by far one of our favorite side dishes- we make it quite often in the summer!

I also sliced up a cucumber from the garden, with the other half of the sweet onion, and a tomato from the farmers market.  I marinated those in some apple cider vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, basil from the garden and a couple tablespoons of sugar. YUM!

Also pictured were some AMAZING ribs and Grilled Garlic bread- and you thought garlic bread couldn't get any better!!.
Happy grilling!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Jessica Percifull

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