

From Garden to Grill!

Well our garden is doing GREAT!!  The squash, zucchini and cucumber that is.  So far we have gotten 3 zucchini, 2 yellow squash and 2 cucumbers!  Today we used two yellow squash, 1 zucchini and a cucumber in our dinner. 

I sliced the zucchini and squash pretty thick, put them in a large ziploc with a thickly sliced sweet onion and poured in some balsamic vinegar, olive oil, crushed garlic, salt, pepper and a couple table spoons of sugar.  Let them marinate in the fridge for a few ours then grill til tender! This is by far one of our favorite side dishes- we make it quite often in the summer!

I also sliced up a cucumber from the garden, with the other half of the sweet onion, and a tomato from the farmers market.  I marinated those in some apple cider vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, basil from the garden and a couple tablespoons of sugar. YUM!

Also pictured were some AMAZING ribs and Grilled Garlic bread- and you thought garlic bread couldn't get any better!!.
Happy grilling!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Jessica Percifull

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