

Sewing Machine Cover

I had this beautiful fabric and I've been waiting to use it and I REALLY needed to make a cover for my kitchen aid mixer so I decided to try it out.  My measurements were a little big and the fabric was a little TOO much for my tiny kitchen so I tried it on my sewing machine (which was actually in need of a cover as well).  It fits the sewing machine MUCH better!!  I think this fabric is really pretty and I actually wish the cover was big enough to cover my ENTIRE craft area- excuse my mess...

I added a little handle to the top so I can hang it while I'm crafting and the inside is lined with the same fabric.  It was super easy so I don't have a tutorial- plus I made it at 11pm last night.  But if you need help just ask.  

 My measurements were:
 top (2) 11"x15"
side panel (a) (4) 16"x15"
side panel (b) (4) 16"x11"
The handle was about 3"x8" (I forgot to measure-I sew like I cook)

Let me know if you need help putting it all together! I think it would have been much sturdier if there was interfacing but I didn't add it.  I still LOVE it though and it will keep the dust out!

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