

Marine Corps Marathon Training

Over the past 17 weeks I have been training for my FIRST marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon!! I have ran short, ran long, ran injured, ran with some fabulous women and my wonderful husband and kids.  I have taken ice baths for the first time, used KT tape, iced my injuries, taken rest days, cross-trained, cried, sweated buckets, lived in the fear of the gov't SHUTDOWN, but I have.not.QUIT!  I have 6 days until the marathon and I am READY!!

This is my training plan-what a mess!! LOL I know it looks a mess
but it has kept me organized and I've been able to cross
 the runs off as I go! I just keep it on my fridge!


Last weekend my husband and I ran the Baltimore Running Festival.  My husband ran the 5K and I ran the Half Marathon.  This was all part of my "Taper" for the marathon.  The course was great, lots of hills, it was cold and a little drizzly before my run but a better forecast than the days prior.  It was also difficult starting a race at almost 10 am! I had to think about things like when and what to eat that morning and make sure I didn't drink too much and use the port-o before I started...that didn't work out so much and I ended up finding a potty at mile 7 which kept my from my goal us a sub 2hr half.  Official time: 2:01:43

We even had some cheerleaders!

They are so motivating!

ARMY Ten Miler

This weekend I needed to do 10 miles for my "taper" I got into the Army 10-miler when the registration opened up way back when and the race was this weekend.  I told my self not to "race" but to treat it as a training run (with 30,000 of my closest friends).  I was very proud of myself for just enjoying the run and sites.  My time was average for a training run.  About a 9:30/mm One point in the middle I caught myself running and chatting with someone going WAY too fast and had to back out.  I could have kept it up but I didn't want to overdo it and risk hurting myself.  Better safe than sorry!! This was also my first race with TEAM FISHER HOUSE!!  They were wonderful!! It was such a great team to run with.  They were so loud every time I passed them and had a great meeting tent after with snacks for meet up and recovery. I'm very excited to be running with them for MCM too!!
Official Time: 1:33:31  


Just 6 more days until the marathon and I am ready!  Just a few more short runs and a lot of REST days.  I am excited and still nervous!!  I am happy that I have met such wonderful strong women through this process.  I wish it wasn't so late in my training but I am going to continue to run with them after MCM is over because they are fabulous!! We have been through a lot together on our long runs. As I type I'm wearing a new shirt that says, "What happens on the long run, stays on the long run".  Very fitting! :)  Although these pictures are too awesome not to share.  A few weeks ago when Congress couldn't handle their job and the Government shutdown we were still training for OUR Marathon!!  We ran DC!  The parks were closed :( but that didn't stop us!  One tiny barricade in the middle of the national mall? A road closed sign? We are Bad@$$ Mother Runners!! Two did 13 miles and two did 20 miles! WHOOP! 

Photo courtesy of: This Mama Runs for Cupcakes

Thanks for stopping by!



What's for breakfast?

Are you sick of the same ol' same ol' for breakfast?  I'm not a fan of cold cereal since I end up hungry 30 min later, but I know my hubby and oldest enjoy it so I keep it in the house.  I personally don't like breakfast food much at all, I'm not a huge fan of eggs either, however I have learned to like them while covering them with loads of veggies and large small amounts of cheese.

Here I have a couple really simple ideas to help you get your day started.  Easy enough to put together and get you and your kiddos out the door in the morning!

First up, Greek yogurt parfaits! I made these with my 3year old today.  He likes to help get all the goods out of the fridge and cabinet.

Ingredients: (2 servings)
1 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
1/4-1/3 cup cereal for each serving
2 T Honey
1 Banana or 1 C fruit of your choice
2 T Almonds or Walnuts

Split Yogurt between 2 bowls, drizzle 1 T honey on each serving.  Top each with 1/4c-1/3c cereal of your choice.  Add fruit (bananas, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries all would be good!) Add 1T almonds or walnuts to each serving.


I probably should have used a bigger bowl :)

Why use greek yogurt?  Because it's loaded with protein and will keep you full longer than regular yogurt!  I chose plain instead of flavored so that I can control the amount of sugar I add to my food.  If you use flavored yogurt I would skip the honey!

Veggie Scramble

Ingredients: (1 serving)

1 eggs +1 Egg White
or 3 Egg Whites if you are on WW
splash of milk
Salt and Pepper
1/2 cup mushrooms (portabella, white button etc)
1 1/2-2 C baby spinach
1 roma tomato seeded and chopped
(Any other veggies of your choice, onions, peppers)
2T-1/4 c Cheese

 Heat small pan over med heat, spray with cooking spray.  Add mushrooms and cook until soft.  Add spinach be sure to either lower temp or stir frequently, do not brown.  While veggies are cooking whisk eggs, slash of milk and Salt and Pepper.  Once spinach has started to wilt add in eggs and stir frequently until firm.  Add in tomatoes and cheese the just before eggs firm up.  Enjoy with a side of toast, or a couple of turkey sausage!

This next one may take a little longer but they are great and full of protein!

Greek Yogurt Pancakes! (2-3 servings)

1C Plain Greek Yogurt
1/2 C Whole Wheat flour
1 egg
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
Mix all ingredients together.  Heat pan on med-high heat.  Spray with cooking spray.  Use an ice cream scoop to add batter to pan, and spread batter out (it will be thick).  When it starts to cook on the edges and bubble in the center flip.  You can press lightly once they flip to flatten.  I have also tried them with blueberries and raspberries folded in.  These are our raspberry ones! YUM!
Top with fresh fruit like bananas, blueberries or raspberries, you can also use maple syrup, chia seeds, and walnuts!

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