

Marine Corps Marathon Training

Over the past 17 weeks I have been training for my FIRST marathon, the Marine Corps Marathon!! I have ran short, ran long, ran injured, ran with some fabulous women and my wonderful husband and kids.  I have taken ice baths for the first time, used KT tape, iced my injuries, taken rest days, cross-trained, cried, sweated buckets, lived in the fear of the gov't SHUTDOWN, but I have.not.QUIT!  I have 6 days until the marathon and I am READY!!

This is my training plan-what a mess!! LOL I know it looks a mess
but it has kept me organized and I've been able to cross
 the runs off as I go! I just keep it on my fridge!


Last weekend my husband and I ran the Baltimore Running Festival.  My husband ran the 5K and I ran the Half Marathon.  This was all part of my "Taper" for the marathon.  The course was great, lots of hills, it was cold and a little drizzly before my run but a better forecast than the days prior.  It was also difficult starting a race at almost 10 am! I had to think about things like when and what to eat that morning and make sure I didn't drink too much and use the port-o before I started...that didn't work out so much and I ended up finding a potty at mile 7 which kept my from my goal us a sub 2hr half.  Official time: 2:01:43

We even had some cheerleaders!

They are so motivating!

ARMY Ten Miler

This weekend I needed to do 10 miles for my "taper" I got into the Army 10-miler when the registration opened up way back when and the race was this weekend.  I told my self not to "race" but to treat it as a training run (with 30,000 of my closest friends).  I was very proud of myself for just enjoying the run and sites.  My time was average for a training run.  About a 9:30/mm One point in the middle I caught myself running and chatting with someone going WAY too fast and had to back out.  I could have kept it up but I didn't want to overdo it and risk hurting myself.  Better safe than sorry!! This was also my first race with TEAM FISHER HOUSE!!  They were wonderful!! It was such a great team to run with.  They were so loud every time I passed them and had a great meeting tent after with snacks for meet up and recovery. I'm very excited to be running with them for MCM too!!
Official Time: 1:33:31  


Just 6 more days until the marathon and I am ready!  Just a few more short runs and a lot of REST days.  I am excited and still nervous!!  I am happy that I have met such wonderful strong women through this process.  I wish it wasn't so late in my training but I am going to continue to run with them after MCM is over because they are fabulous!! We have been through a lot together on our long runs. As I type I'm wearing a new shirt that says, "What happens on the long run, stays on the long run".  Very fitting! :)  Although these pictures are too awesome not to share.  A few weeks ago when Congress couldn't handle their job and the Government shutdown we were still training for OUR Marathon!!  We ran DC!  The parks were closed :( but that didn't stop us!  One tiny barricade in the middle of the national mall? A road closed sign? We are Bad@$$ Mother Runners!! Two did 13 miles and two did 20 miles! WHOOP! 

Photo courtesy of: This Mama Runs for Cupcakes

Thanks for stopping by!


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