

My first BLOG!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!! After visiting many blogs I have decided to create one of my own. I was never very good at keeping a diary but I'm more of a computer person than a reading or writing person so hopefully this will last. I guess I should introduce myself. I am an Army Wife and Mother of 1 soon to be 2 boys. My husband was recently stationed at Andrews Air Force Base and we have just started getting settled in the last few months. During this time I have discovered "blogs" and started getting back into sewing and knitting. I also sell Tastefully Simple and love to cook. I hope that with this blog I am able to post many of my crafts and recipes that I have created. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask!! Thank you for visiting my site I hope that you become a regular.

Jessica Percifull

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Thank you so much for visiting my Blog. I will try to read your comment and get back to you as soon as possible!! Thank you for stopping by! Jess

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