

Sorrel, Potato and Sausage Soup

What in the world is Sorrel?

We got this crazy green in our CSA box from Farm 2 Family. I wasn't sure how to use it.  It can be added to soups, or salads but has a very sharp taste so I added into a soup, kind of like a kale, escarole or spinach.  It did change the color of the soup to a funky purple since the leaves and stems were a reddish color.  The soup was still great though!  So if you ever find this funky leaf in your garden, CSA box or want to try something new here is a recipe for you!

Sorrel, Potato and Sausage soup

2 Tbsp Olive Oil
3 cloves garlic
3 italian sausages (I added these after but decided that the soup was too good with them not to have them!)
1 medium onion
2-3 potatoes peeled and cubed
6 Cups Chicken Broth
Salt and Pepper
Parmesan cheese

Heat your soup pot to med-high, add your olive oil. Chop your onions and garlic. Add them and sausage (not pictured) to the pot.

  Peel and chop the potatoes. Half of these were from the CSA and the other half, I had and needed to use up...I really should have only used half..this was TOO much! Add them to the hot tub!

Make sure your Sorrel is rinsed and dried, give it a rough chop and add it to the saute. Give it all some S & P.  If you don't have sorrel, this will work with Kale or Escarole too!! It may also work better if you add it at the end, the sorrel seemed to be a lot tougher than a normal leaf lettuce though.

  Once you've given everything a nice saute and stir, add the broth.  The pic below was with 4 C, it wasn't enough once I decided to add sausage, especially with all those potatoes!  You can adjust if you want it chunkier though (4C-6C). Simmer for 20 min.  Remove the sausage and slice it up, add it back to the pot and serve it up topped with some Parmesan cheese!

Here is the finished soup pre-parm.  It was VERY good!  We devoured it after a killer cross-fit workout!

I hope you enjoy!


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