

Square Foot Gardening

This is my FIRST attempt at Square Foot Gardening! I have tried growing a vegetable garden back in Tennessee but the clay was so dense even worked with peat, soil and compost many vegetables did not grow. So I am hoping that this will be a much more productive way to produce vegetables!
We started off making a box 4' x 6' . I taped off 1' x 1' squares. I started my vegetables in those little Jiffy planters (I didn't get a pic of them). Once they sprouted I trimmed them back and left the strongest sprouts standing. I then placed them in the squares and labeled them. I have one square left, I'm not sure what I'm going to put in there yet. so far I have Tomatoes (one of the few things that produced in TN), zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, jalapeno, leeks, spinach, salad mixed greens, basil, tarragon, dill, cilantro, chives and oregano. I did mostly herbs because i know they do well, I use them often and I'm nervous about the other veggies. I was going to attempt Asparagus but i heard it grows 12 feet and it's not good for beginner gardeners to attempt, so maybe next year. I also hope to get a few more blueberry bushes next year, we really enjoyed the ones we had in TN.

Once I got the veggies in the ground I surrounded it with posts and the fabric chicken wire fence. I'm hoping it will keep the squirrels and these little guys away (I think they're living under our shed!
I'm also going to plant some more herbs or flowers when I make these planters. I think I may put mint in them because it spreads like a weed and I don't want it to take over my ENTIRE garden :).

Link up your Square Foot Garden and let me know what's growing in your Garden!

Jessica Percifull

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