

Menu Plan Monday! Take 2

So we did really well with my first Half attempt at Menu Plan Monday (Wednesday).  I think we will try a full week this time!

Monday- BBQ Chicken Pizza!

Tuesday- Taco Tuesday! (As my 5 year old Austen would say)

Wednesday- Chicken with Whole wheat Penne (Sauce to be decided later!)- Ended up being Hotdog Panini's with lemon-feta asparagus!

Thursday- Out to dinner! TGIFridays! (I have an $8 Give Me More Stripes coupon and gift cards!)- Hubby will be gone so we're moving Wednesday's dinner to Today!

Friday- Panini's- Not sure yet what will end up here now (Gotta love the ARMY!)

Saturday- Grill!- Change of Plan's going to Aunt Marianne's!

Sunday- Leftovers! TGIFriday's Make up Day!

I also found a great blog with a few links for breakfast! 

Homemade English muffins HERE

Whole Wheat Pancakes HERE

Whole Wheat Waffles HERE

I can't wait to try them!! No more Bisquick for me!!

Jessica Percifull


  1. Did I send you the fish taco recipe? Its TDF! Lemme know and you can add it to your line-up. I want them at least once a week now.



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