

Square Foot Gardening Update!

My garden is doing GREAT!!  Well that was until I decided to spray some Organic Plant Based bug spray on it!!  The leaves started to shrivel up like they were burning!  My husband started to water it so that the process would stop but the damage was already done! It didn't kill the plants but some of the leaves are damaged.  I was so upset! 

On a happier note we have 2 zucchini's almost ready to be picked!!  This is my most successful gardening attempt so far!  The tomatoes will hopefully start producing soon, and I just saw a tiny cucumber yesterday also!!  My herbs on the other hand are growing quite slow, I think they may be getting too much sun.  I'm going to have to experiment and see if I can give them a little shade.

Jessica Percifull


  1. Looks great. My herbs are growing insane in a growing bag I purchased from Gardeners Supply. But, I also have them shaded all afternoon. I'm sure the over 100 degree temps you are having is not doing them good.,38-544,default,cp.html


  2. I'll have to try those! We picked a HUGE zucchini off the other day, it's our second one. I was paranoid so the first was much smaller :). I will post a picture as soon as I get the pics of the camera!


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