

Summer Baseball

Hot dogs,  Baseball, and Fireworks!

We are loving being in DC! We have been to 4 National's games and are planning on going to at least 2 more this season! The Hubby really wants to go to an Oriel's game too. We've been in just about every part of National's stadium and think we've figured out the best seats for the different games.

So for my husbands birthday his favorite team just happened to be in town so we bought tickets for July 3rd and 4th!  What a better way to spend the 4th of July than with a soldier at a baseball game? All American right??  Well of course it can get better because we got to spend it with our 2 beautiful boys. Austen had a blast and Riley slept through most of both games!!

Austen really wanted to catch a ball but didn't have much luck.  There was a really nice family sitting next to us though and they gave Austen a ball they got.  He was ecstatic!

After the games on Sunday the kids get to run the bases which Austen thought was cool.  I think Daddy may have been just as excited or maybe more :).  All in all it was a great weekend filled of baseball, fun and family!

Jessica Percifull

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